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Learning Is Fun

November 7, 2008

Nice to see you back, Mrs. Manfink. And yes, Miss Edie is Mr. B's sister. Now I sound like the lady on the TV commercial -- and yes, it's Glade!

Thought I would post a bit early this afternoon, then I can work on my homework tonight. I have so much to learn about my camera. Are you all like me? I jump right in with an expensive toy without knowing much about it, and learn while on the job - so to speak. My camera is a DSLR, my lens is expensive, so now I had best learn how to use them more than to just push the button.

That's how I learned to use the computer. I bought it, gazed at it for a long time, then installed a couple of programs that I wanted to learn to use. After that, it was trial and error for a while. There's so much I still don't know, but I know enough to do the things I like to do.

Today, I have a layout to share. I made this one for a challenge at Magickal Scraps. This layout shows part of my doll collection. Little Red Riding Hood in the bottom photo was the beginning of my collection.

Time for dinner, and a little playtime for Tootsie. Till tomorrow,

Hugs, Edna B.

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