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Breakfast Conversation & A Quick Survey

 Had you been present at our breakfast table today you would have heard the following conversation:

Him:  The other day on the radio they were talking about whether you drink the milk that's left in your bowl after the cereal is gone or toss it.

Me:  I usually drink it unless it is too sweet from the sugar in the cereal.  In that case I would toss it.  I'm sure this was bred into me by my frugal mother. In fact I remember my mom and her best friend having this very conversation years ago.  Her friend was a "milk tosser" and my mom couldn't believe that she would waste good milk like that.  :D.

As the conversation progressed, he suggested that I put it to the bloggers.  See how highly he thinks of you.
So, if you eat cereal and care to participate, the question is:
What do you do with that milk remaining in the bowl once the cereal is gone?  Drink, Toss or perhaps something else all together.

Oh, and in case you're wondering, he drinks it too.
Just think, we've been married for 33 years and are still learning riveting information about one another :D ♥ :).

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