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I would be very rich...

If I made a device that could make your want list for you. ...and post them to your blog or website.

....Or am I the only one that finds making a want lists painstakingly boring and.. painstaking? Looking though 300 plus cards or more to find which ones are missing is the least fun for me in the whole card collecting world. That and sorting them in the right order to begin with.

I reaaaaaaaaaaaally need to sort through the topps 2011 cards I have, and the 2010Topps updates, and the 2011 Topps Heritage. (speaking of which, does anyone have the Brave manager card? I waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant it!)

I have got to stop buying cards until I do. Of course I always tell myself that and then as soon as I hit the card isle my will power fades and a pack goes in the buggy.

Point to all this? I am a lazy horrible procrastinator who has zero will power.

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