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Terry3_thumb[1] Here are writing links that I’ve posted to Twitter for the past week.

If you’re looking for a particular topic, just plug in your keyword into the search box at the top left-hand corner of the blog (on the black header right above my blog name…next to the Blogger symbol…the small search window is next to the magnifying glass) and the roundup with your subject will come up. To narrow your search down on the page, do a CTRL+F, type your subject, and hit enter.

How to Raise Boys Who Read (Wall St. Journal): http://dld.bz/xUaE

Berlin’s International Literary Fest Provides a Showcase for World Lit, Politics of Publishing: http://dld.bz/xUaA

The #1Thing You Must do Before You Write a Book: http://dld.bz/xUau

Don't make the mistake of treating writing like a hobby if you're trying to get published: http://dld.bz/xUam

The Business of Writing – Series Outline: http://dld.bz/xUad

The Importance of Breaking Goals into Manageable Steps: http://dld.bz/xTZY

Revision Alchemy: Part 3: http://dld.bz/xGHu

Ruthless revision: http://dld.bz/xGHs

Tips for writing chapter books for young readers: http://dld.bz/xGEN

10 tip-filled articles for authors writing nonfiction books: http://dld.bz/xGED

Reinvigorating Your Writing Routine: http://dld.bz/xGEu

Developing the Craft & Art of Writing - a guest blog: http://dld.bz/xGEp

10 Ways to Find the Agent You Need: http://dld.bz/xGEk

How Cookbook Authors Can Do a Great Cooking Segment on TV: http://dld.bz/xGDZ

Online Safety and Presence for Writers: http://t.co/Or4AUj8

Tips for author bios, headshots, and About Me pages: http://dld.bz/xGDS

Oh Writers They Do Get Weary: http://dld.bz/xGDs

3 Ways Twitter Analysis Can Enhance Your Marketing: http://dld.bz/xGDh

How to Keep Track of Book Series: http://dld.bz/xGDd

Unhappy Client Suing B.K. Nelson Inc. Literary Agency (Writer Beware): http://dld.bz/xGDa

Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Rainy Day Split Pea Soup http://bit.ly/ctY4fj @CleoCoyle

Knowing When to Ask for Help: http://dld.bz/x8KC

The benefit of putting your manuscript in a drawer for a while: http://dld.bz/x8MM

Organizing your Queries and Submissions: http://dld.bz/x8MC

Don't be afraid of bad first drafts: http://dld.bz/x8M5

Con your way out of Negative Thinking with a Pros & Cons List: http://dld.bz/x8K8

Feng Shui for Writers--Creating a Writing Space You'll Love: http://dld.bz/x8Ke

Why you’re a real writer (even if you don’t think so): http://dld.bz/x8JK

10 commandments for book launch day: http://dld.bz/x8MW

The Subjectivity of Readers ... or ... Talk Me Down Off the Ledge: http://dld.bz/x8E4

Are Bloggers the New Gatekeepers in Publishing? http://dld.bz/x8En

Emma Thompson's attack on slang: the pedants' battle may be lost (Telegraph): http://dld.bz/x8Ef

Writing Books: Scene by Scene, Chapter by Chapter, Book by Book: http://dld.bz/x8DT

Talking to Agents and Editors at Conferences: http://dld.bz/x8DM

9 Must-Follow Manuscript Rules (Writer's Digest): http://dld.bz/x8Dq

Self-Editing Revisited: http://dld.bz/x8Db

Where did the decadent novel go? (Guardian): http://dld.bz/x8Da

The problem with sharing our work: http://dld.bz/xKR4

With working link: directory of book industry tweeps: http://dld.bz/xKRg

7 Things That Blogging Does: http://dld.bz/x8CV

E-Book Promo Ideas: http://dld.bz/x8C2

Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Easy Chicken Parmesan Casserole from Cleo Coyle http://bit.ly/dp46rK @CleoCoyle

Mystery writer's guide to forensics--rigor mortis: http://dld.bz/x8Ck

Should a writer submit illustrations with their book query? http://dld.bz/x8B2

5 Ways to Stay Safe on Social Media: http://dld.bz/x8Ax

The 9 Worst Ways to Use Twitter for Promo: http://dld.bz/x87k

The essence of plotting: http://dld.bz/x8Ag

Write what excites you: http://dld.bz/x89B

Character arcs - how characters change: http://dld.bz/x878

8 Bad Habits that Crush Your Creativity And Stifle Your Success: http://dld.bz/x87v

Writing Lessons – Practical Tips for Improving Writing Skills: http://dld.bz/x87s

The Making of a Novel: Chapter Endings (Huff Post): http://dld.bz/x86V

Should you write a real or a fictional setting? Some thoughts: http://dld.bz/x8f2

Blogging with Windows Live Writer: http://dld.bz/x45f

How Do Authors Make Money?—Thinking Beyond the Book: http://dld.bz/x44Z

What mystery has taught one mystery editor: http://dld.bz/xsHw

Mystery Writer's Guide to Reading People--the Body Language and Behavior of Liars: http://dld.bz/xE5f @mkinberg @clarissadraper

“Despite” or “In Spite of”? http://dld.bz/xsHn

How to Read and Why: http://dld.bz/xsG4

Tips for guest blogging: http://dld.bz/xsEV

Authors Feel Pinch in Age of E-Books (Wall St. Journal): http://dld.bz/xDcR

Blog tours--why you should have one and tips and resources for setting one up: http://dld.bz/xDcC

11 tips for blogging well: http://dld.bz/xsEQ

How To Be Creative: Incubating Inspiration: http://dld.bz/xsE7

Writing Nowadays–Why the Pen Name? http://dld.bz/xsEv

What Are They Saying About You Online? http://dld.bz/xsEq

Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Sweet Potato Casserole—Side Dish—or Dessert? http://bit.ly/9Wzk3y @CleoCoyle

Personal Branding Basics for 2011: http://dld.bz/xs95

How to Find Time to Write Your Book: http://dld.bz/xs9z

Not Even Mein Kampf: Why Hateful Books Should Not Be Banned: http://dld.bz/xs9d

4 Simple Ways to Improve Your Writing: http://dld.bz/xs8C

How to Plan a Successful Debut Book Party: http://dld.bz/xs87

3 More Free and Cheap Marketing Ideas for Books and eBooks: http://dld.bz/xs8q

Coordinating a book blog tour: Dotting your Rs and Crossing your… Rs: http://dld.bz/xs8k

Revise in Haste; Repent in Leisure: http://dld.bz/x8Ng

What We Talk About When We Talk About Men Not Reading (The New Yorker): http://dld.bz/xs8g

For short story writers--should you submit to online or print journals? http://dld.bz/x8fj

What’s it like at a writer’s colony? http://dld.bz/xs7P

How fiction writers (& other creatives) can develop into badass bloggers:http://dld.bz/xs73

Agents & Editors are people too… Some you like, some you don’t. http://dld.bz/xs7k

Resubmitting a Query: http://dld.bz/xs7c

The Importance of a Polished Manuscript: http://dld.bz/xs6M

Apps and eBooks: Readers Have Great Expectations, But How Do You Deliver? http://dld.bz/xs5H

6 things you can stick in your ears to improve your writing: http://dld.bz/xs5A

How Tucker Max Got Rejected by Publishing and Still Hit #1 New York Times: http://dld.bz/xs57

10 phases of rejection: http://dld.bz/xs5y

Role Play to Better Writing: http://dld.bz/xs5r

Sexual Force and Reader Consent in Romance: http://dld.bz/xs2z

Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Cupcake Swag Winner! http://bit.ly/afsDBb @CleoCoyle

An agent explains why he doesn't use form letters: http://dld.bz/xsaq

3 Keys to Handling Criticism: http://dld.bz/xsaj

4 Big Reasons to be Grateful for Independent Editors: http://dld.bz/xsaf

Separating the sin from the sinner in fiction: http://dld.bz/xsac

Goal, Motivation, Conflict, Tension: http://dld.bz/xrZX @4KidLit

Brainstorming? Or just have 10 minutes to write? Try making lists: http://dld.bz/xrZ3

One great thing about going to writer's conferences--people who understand you: http://dld.bz/xn24

Does your main character have a double life? What characters hide: http://dld.bz/xuE7 @dirtywhitecandy

Writing for radio: http://dld.bz/xnuG @nicholebernier

50 Can’t-Fail Techniques for Finding Great Blog Topics: http://dld.bz/xnwK

An agent on the curse of the trade paperback: http://dld.bz/xnw7

Writers: How Do You Cope with Give Up Moments? http://dld.bz/xnvn

Somebody Loves You: What To Do When An Agent Says Yes: http://dld.bz/xt8j @nicholebernier

7 Secrets of Spectacular Bloggers: http://dld.bz/xnvm

Memoir is the new Novel: http://dld.bz/xnuz @nicholebernier

Top 10 Ways to Become a Writer: http://dld.bz/xngT

Vistual Storytelling, Part 1: http://dld.bz/xng3

Important qualities for successful series: http://dld.bz/xsbt @mkinberg

Picture Book Queries: http://dld.bz/xngt

HarperCollins Launches Conservative Imprint Broadside Books: http://dld.bz/xngh

11 Ways to Convince Readers to Buy Your eBook: http://dld.bz/xmUa

Sapphires and steel: The glittering life of global bestseller Barbara Taylor Bradford (Independent): http://dld.bz/xmTU

Myst. Lov. Kitchen: DIRTY BOOKS http://bit.ly/9myvDc @CleoCoyle

Writing when you’re uninspired: http://dld.bz/xmTK

Magic Explained. Definitively. http://dld.bz/xmTD

Top 10 reasons one writer "bans" books: http://dld.bz/xmTx @Kerrie_Flanagan

7 Deadly Sins of Prologues–Great Novel Beginnings Part 2: http://dld.bz/xmTe @KristenLambTX

Revisions: What Every Writer Should Know: http://dld.bz/xgZU

Writing an action scene? Think like a director: http://dld.bz/xnwh @ianthealy

An Author's Personal Library Lost And Found (NPR): http://dld.bz/xgZN

Top Tips For Booksellers From Gothenburg Book Fair: http://dld.bz/xgZH

What to do when you freeze up while writing: http://dld.bz/xgZA

Diverting the reader's attention to plant a surprise: http://dld.bz/xgZy

In defense of backstory: http://dld.bz/xdXv

The key element that every good scene needs (or: how to change the game in your novel): http://dld.bz/xdXe

In defense of description: http://dld.bz/xdWN

How small steps can make you a published writer and social media ninja: http://dld.bz/xdWB

An agent on whether it's advisable to write gun use into your YA novel: http://dld.bz/xd2Q

5 Things One Writer Learned After Publication: http://dld.bz/xcpC

How Authors And Writers Can Build An Email List For Marketing: http://dld.bz/xcpw @thecreativepenn

Setting Goals to Succeed: Lessons from a Freelance Classical Musician: http://dld.bz/xcp9

Ebook Pricing: http://dld.bz/xcpx

A working life: The romantic novelist (Guardian): http://dld.bz/xcp5

Overly Critical Readers: http://dld.bz/xcjP

Myst. Lov. Kitchen: The Cat's Meow http://bit.ly/9bjjxW @CleoCoyle

Top writing advice from other writers: http://dld.bz/xcjG

Handling Rejection: http://dld.bz/xcjF

10 Excellent Tools for Testing Your Site on Mobile Devices: http://dld.bz/xcj6

The YA Graphic Novel: http://dld.bz/xcj2

Literary agents open the door to self-published writers: http://dld.bz/xcjw

How to read a publishing contract (26): http://dld.bz/xcjt

What’s Coming Next for eBooks? http://dld.bz/xcjq

How to Fix Writer’s Block and Make Your Writing Sparkle: http://dld.bz/wYsP

The #1 Talent You Need to be a Good Writer: http://dld.bz/wYsD

Best Tweets for Writers (week ending 9/24/10--Writer's Digest): http://dld.bz/xdUF

To multi-book or not to multi-book: http://dld.bz/wYrP

Twitter for Authors--Twitter Dangers: http://dld.bz/wYrG

Twitterific--the week in tweets: http://dld.bz/xd2E

12 Dos and Don'ts for Introducing your Protagonist: http://dld.bz/wYr4

Don't let rituals kill your creativity: http://dld.bz/wYrs

5 of the meanest book reviews ever (Huff Post--photo essay): http://dld.bz/wYqs

The Making of a Novel: Writing Into a Void vs. Writing Into a Universe (Huff Post): http://dld.bz/wYpT

Freelancers: 4 Ways to Bridge Gaps in Your Writer Resume: http://dld.bz/wYpM

Fun with hyphens: http://dld.bz/wYpF

Tips for Writers from the Movie: “The Prizewinner of Defiance Ohio”: http://dld.bz/wYp8

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