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Good morning everyone! We have a brilliant blue sky with white puffy clouds for today. Tomorrow is supposed to bring more rain but right now I’m sitting out on the deck with my knitting, enjoying the sunshine in the warmth.
This is what I’m working on right now.  I apologize for the shadows, I could not find enough shade to take a good picture but at least you can get the idea. This will be a toddler blanket for the crisis nursery. It is the “Soft Vines” pattern.

And the yarn? This is the leftover yarn from the blanket Vera made for her son.  You can find her at “The Threaded Lane” over on my side bar.  She was sweet enough to send it to me to use for one of my charity projects. It is Knit Picks Brava bulky in the “canary” colorway.  I expected one or two skeins when she asked if I would like it. Imagine my surprise when a bag with five beautiful skeins of yarn arrived in the mail. Vera, that was so generous of you. Thank you!

I was able to finish the socks I showed you last time. I actually had them done about an hour after I published the last post. I should have just waited.  This is also Knit Picks yarn.  It’s Felici in the “River Rocks” colorway.  They are going into my gift basket.  

The same day the yarn arrived, I received this sweet little package from Pammy Sue. If you remember, I finished a blanket for Pammy Sue that she was making for a friend, after she had a shoulder injury and found it difficult to crochet.  Here is a picture to remind you of what it looked like. This is on a queen size bed.

Look at this cute little cup/planter and bracelet.  Thank you so much Pammy Sue.

She also gave me the leftover yarn from the blanket and I had just enough to make this wheelchair lapghan for the nursing home. I like the way it turned out.  It’s in the log cabin pattern.

I have a question for those of you who sew.  Do any of you know where I can buy some fusible lightweight interfacing online? I’ve checked the Goods store in Pennsylvania, JoAnn’s, Michael’s, and Hobby Lobby. It’s out of stock everywhere. I have bought fabric online to make a couple of dresses as mine are all wearing out, but I can’t find interfacing anywhere.  Also, how terrible would it be not to put interfacing on the sleeves and the neckline? When I say mine are wearing out, I’m not kidding. I have worn them daily for about five years now. The seams cannot be repaired anymore.

The only place I’ve been this week is to replace the battery in my car‘s key fob. Dennis went to back out of the garage Wednesday to go to work and it started beeping at him. The fob on my car does everything, as there is no actual key. I went to the battery store less than a mile away from our house. I had my mask on. The gentleman walked up to within one foot of me, I’m not exaggerating, I kept backing up and he looked at me like I was crazy. I was in and out of there in less than five minutes, but I still went home and scrubbed my hands and wiped the car down with Clorox wipes.

We had our weekly Thursday night Bible study last night via zoom. I am so grateful for that app. It’s wonderful to be able to see the faces of those 10 friends. We have had Bible study at our house with these people every Thursday night for the last 25 years. It seems odd not to be preparing a treat and getting the house ready for company on Thursdays. I will be so grateful when this time of our lives is over.

Last weekend we attended four different church services online Saturday night and Sunday morning, but it’s not the same as actually fellowshipping face-to-face with people or taking the Lords supper with them.

I hope you were all hanging in there and staying healthy. I’m praying for you all.


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