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Soul Food #117~

I Kind..le..like it..a lot~

A friend of mine....I told her about Kindles when I saw it on Oprah..and I think almost 100% my friend Arlene bought one yrs ago.. . she hummed ..and bought one..and ever since she has been trying to convince me to buy one..
Well I think we were the last ones to buy a gas BBQ..an Ipod..etc..
Not state of the art electronic etc.. purchasers are we..
Oh except for that HUGE satellite dish my husband bought in the 80's..Oh lala.. that was an eyesore to me...Thank you ExpressVu.

So I kept hemming and hawing...

I love "HOLDING" a book said I.. for years~And was almost cantakerous in my assertion of this Holding A Book thing:)
My daughter bought one and I thought..cute..But I only briefly looked at it and never tried it..I was happy for HER..

But no desire.. to have one for myself..until Kindle offered at $79.00 ..while I was visiting the USA...it made me think twice..
So I gave in and bought one..the $79.00 one.

My only question?Why did I wait so long?

I really really like holding it..turning the pages.. making collections..seeing the Daily De

Now I am thinking..should I have Kindle Fire like my youngest daughter plans on doing?Should I have gone for the full 9 yards?I don't know..that touch feature seems hard to handle:)

Never look back.
I am thrilled w/ what this does..and by the time I master it..an evene may be available.
Really.. me and my staid ways.."I like holding a REAL book..":)~~~

This is just as good..better..compact.
Just wanted you to know:)Since quite a few of you had offered me their thoughts when I first mentioned them.
And for travel? Wow.

Ask Mr and or Mrs Claus..cause this is so nice to have and to hold.
I know this sounds materialistic..it is.. But it is worth it.
So neat.
And think of all the paper saved.

"An eBook is like a garden carried in the pocket."
Chinese Proverb

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