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September's Challenge at Lost Coast Designs Portal to Creativity

Time for the new challenge "One Layer" at Lost Coast Designs!  Remember, you can use any stamps but you get added in twice if you use one of ours!  This challenge was a real challenge...one layer, the concept kind of escaped me for a bit.  I know, how simple, but I tend to make simple things complicated!  So after much consultation with my trusted confidants I think I might have gotten the concept!  The stamp did all the work.  Chloe Collage is such a beauty!

I made my paper with Lindy's Stamp Gang Shimmer spray and a girls profile stencil with a lighter pink mixed color to sponge it with.  The sparkle is fabulous!  This pink piece means more than just any make because it is one month until Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October.  The word "Hope" means so much to so many who have been touched by this disease.  So please do your part to protect yourself and your loved ones.  Encourage those mammos, self-checks, and do what you can to be safe.  So Chloe embodies to me the face of hope and the day we can say we have all beaten breast cancer once and for all!

Make sure you visit the Lost Coast Portal to Creativity for all the news and add your entry to this months challenge!  Also, have a good look see at Lost Coasts Designs and Carmen's Veranda's stamps stores, I promise you will be making a wish list waaay long!  Links are added below to make it easy to click and enjoy!

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