On Saturday we ate the first 2 sweetcorn cobs, on Tuesday we ate 2 more. They were deliciously sweet and juicy. Walking by the plants this morning Col noticed wasps all over them, and look what the B***** things have done........
.......munched their way through the ends and ruined half the crop. It's annoying how they can do so much damage so quickly. Needless to say the cobs were picked, stripped of their kernels, blanched PDQ and into the freezer. I'll be keeping a close eye on the smaller cobs.
We've had another busy few days moving things into place for the yard/barn sale on Saturday. I'm not sure if anyone will want a load of bits of pipe, dozens of old bricks or any of the other things-that-might-come-in-useful-but-haven't which Col has laid out on the grass. We shall see. We advertised it in the Suffolk Smallholders Newsletter, on a blackboard outside and signs at the ends of the road so hopefully people will come to have a look. I can just imagine having to move everything back again if it doesn't sell - not something we would be keen on doing.Col suggested loading everything that's left over straight onto the big trailer and going off to a car boot on Sunday morning!
Welcome to 2torts, a new follower and thanks to Sadie,John, Pat, Sue, Michelle,Cro, Mending,Making,Crafting, Rachel and Gill for comments on Mondays post - apologies for not replying individually.
Back with sale news after Saturday
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