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Breeder Scum

Sophia (Not)Loren has also forwarded this tidbit, from the Beeb. Seems her Mac (thanks a lot, Steve Jobs, for losing her several thousand photos) has been repaired, & just in time to provide grist for our little mill here, as our research time is severely constrained. Now, the story:
A 16-year-old Argentine girl has given birth to female triplets - for the second time. The girl, named only as Pamela, had her first set of female triplets aged 15, having first given birth to a son when she was just 14.
Stop it!! This horrid world has been "replenished" a million times over!! We're like fruit flies w/ this multiplication business. It's no longer fruitful, it's a drain on everyone & everything. Enough is enough, already. Seriously, find out what makes this child so fecund & develop something to stop it. Now!!

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