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a lovely autumn walk

The other day I had to go into the city centre for an informal discussion about a post I have applied for. After this, I thought I deserved a little treat. Besides, I was in the city centre and the shops were calling me. I am now the proud owner of a knee length down jacket, which keeps me warm. The comments at home were "are you wearing your sleeping bag" (Richard) and "you do look a bit fat in this" (Sam) and "it looks lovely mummy" (Annie). Thank you Annie, I shall ignore the first two comments and remember the last one next time I see myself reflected in a window.

Unfortunately, I did not own this lovely coat yet last Monday, when we had our first ground frost here in Glasgow.

It was my day off and I decided to go for a short walk along the canal to the shops and back.

It was most peaceful and I enjoyed myself very much. There were not very many people out there at this time of day. I love breaking ice that has formed on small puddles! 

I also love walking through fallen leaves. These were actually crunching under my feet rather than rustling.

I was collecting sun light for the long dark winter ahead (remembering "Frederick" by Leo Lionni, a beloved picture book from my child hood. It is about a mouse who is collecting sun light whilst all the other wee mice are gathering food and bedding for the winter ahead).

I was admiring the beautiful plants along the canal.

Some sights reminded me of the big city. It is easy to forget on a lovely walk like that. Don't get me wrong, I love this city! But I do love a bit of nature, too. Have you tried IrnBru, the Scottish National Fizz?

I just love the way this high rise building is reflected in the canal! But I also appreciate that I do not live in this very building but have my own semi detached pebble dash mid twenties house with a big garden.

It was a lovely walk, a good beginning of a busy week. Cx

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