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VOTER FRAUD! 3 Toddlers In A Trench Coat Caught Voting For Joe Biden - extranewsfeed.com

Drew Landry


This election was stolen from our glorious king, President Donald J. Trump.

After Joe Biden’s premature claims of victory, more and more evidence has been piling up that the crooked Democrats have rigged the election and went against the will of the American people, delivering Biden a fake victory through thousands of illegal votes.

Luckily, President Donald J. Trump will take this all the way to the Supreme Court to stop all the fake news that he lost the election, and rightfully reclaim his magnificent throne.

The evidence is damning.

Exhibit A of rampant voter fraud: Multiple children standing on top of each other in trench coats were caught voting for Joey Biden.

These were 2 illegal voters, named William Roberts and Robert Williams.

But, William Roberts was actually a kid named Johnny, (5 years old), holding up his friend Tony (5 years old), who was holding up Billy (also 5 years old.)

Meanwhile, Robert Williams was actually Bobby (5 and a half years old), holding up Timmy (4 years old but his birthday party is next week and we’re all invited), holding up Jimmy (age unknown.)

Even if you roughly combine all their ages, it would still mean that both of these voters were each about 15 years old, still 3 years too young to vote for a godless socialist.

They walked to the polls carefully, constantly wobbling and almost tipping over while their fake beards kept slipping off. And they almost got away with it... but not on our watch.

After casting their fraudulent votes, they announced that they were “going to The Alcohol Bar to go drink some alcohols” and then going to see an R-rated movie.

The gloves are off. Once President Donald J. Trump takes this to the Supreme Court, these kids will be on a time-out for a long, long, long time.

No dessert. No video games. No mercy.

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