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Charlies Nail Art

Hawaiian Flower Decals 

How I love the warm sunny weather! I'm a summer person and sadly the season is slowly coming to an end. But these water decal, full nail wraps from Charlies Nail Art, are perfect for sunny days at the beach or a holiday. 
I have actually never left the UK, I don't even own a passport!
These Hawaiian Floral decals are just 89p and so cheerful and detailed. I painted my nails with a white base, although this is not needed. As my nails are on the long side lol I had to use the decals at different angles to fit, but they still look absolutely stunning. With most floral looks I prefer a matte finish.

You could also use these for a accent nail if you don't fancy a full set across your nails.
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Stay safe and much love....

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