Rajkumar Gupta's maiden directorial project was Rajeev Khandelwal's Bollywood debut Aamir. While the filmmaker has now started working with known names such as Vidya Balan and Emraan Hashmi, he says having stars doesn't guarantee the success of any film.
"Star system was always there in our country, but it depends on the subject of the film. Stars don't guarantee the success of any film. Yes, certainly there is no denying that they have a strong box office appeal, but they don't guarantee a good film," said Gupta.
"Star system was always there in our country, but it depends on the subject of the film. Stars don't guarantee the success of any film. Yes, certainly there is no denying that they have a strong box office appeal, but they don't guarantee a good film," said Gupta.
Ghanchakkar director doesn't believe in star power |
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