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Save Water

Save Water

Russian photographer Andrew Osokin is a master of winter macro photography. His photo collection is chock full of gorgeous super-close-up photographs of insects, flowers, snow, and frost. Among his most impressive shots are photographs of individual snowflakes that have fallen upon the ground and are in the process of melting away. The shots are so detailed and so perfectly framed that you might suspect them of being computer-generated fabrications.

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Save water


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Save water


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f you gave me several million years, there would be nothing that did not grow in beauty if it were surrounded by water.
- Jan Erik Vold, What All The World Knows, 1970

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Water is H20, hydrogen two parts, oxygen one, but there is also a third thing that makes water and nobody knows what that is.
- D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930), Pansies, 1929

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Water, thou hast no taste, no color, no odor; canst not be defined, art relished while ever mysterious. Not necessary to life, but rather life itself, thou fillest us with a gratification that exceeds the delight of the senses.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900-1944), Wind, Sand and Stars, 1939

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Water is the one substance from which the earth can conceal nothing; it $ucks out its innermost secrets and brings them to our very lips.
- Jean Giraudoux (1882-1944), The Madwomen of Chaillot, 1946

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We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.
- Jacques Cousteau

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A river seems a magic thing. A magic, moving, living part of the very earth itself.
- Laura Gilpin - From The Rio Grande, 1949

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We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.
- Jacques Cousteau

Water, the Hub of Life.
Water is its mater and matrix, mother and medium.
Water is the most extraordinary substance!
Practically all its properties are anomolous, which enabled life to use it as building
material for its machinery.
Life is water dancing to the tune of solids.
- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (1972)


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