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Loki-inspired Manicure - China Glaze Emerald Sparkle, Essence Make It Golden, NYX Girls Enchanted Forest

I was so impressed by Jme's Avengers manicure yesterday, aren't you all! In fact, I was so impressed I made us a Tumblr account just to show it off, lol! So check us out at...

By the time this post goes up on Friday, Jme and I will have seen the movie (we're heading to it Thursday evening)... YAYYYY!!

So... I wasn't as hardcore as Jme unfortunately, but wheeee! Here's my take on a Loki-inspired manicure! I was going to do some edgy funky french in gold and green but then I thought... NO...wait....

[Credit unknown: I've stolen this from somewhere but I don't remember, sorry!]

Asgard is after all a happy rainbow land filled with sparkles and shiny, and despite all his hang-ups... there is a little bit of Asgard in Loki....

Loki + Asgard = Green + Gold + Holo Rainbow Sparkle-arkle!!
[You just can't deny your upbringing...]
Let's take a look!

[Jelly Sandwich: Essence Make It Golden sandwiched between China Glaze Emerald Sparkle]
I started with a jelly sandwich of a one coat base of China Glaze Emerald Sparkle, one coat of Essence Make It Golden, then topped with another layer of CG Emerald Sparkle.

[Jelly Sandwich: Essence Make It Golden sandwiched between China Glaze Emerald Sparkle]
The sandwich added a hidden glitter to Emerald Sparkle and kept it from getting too dark which I was pretty pleased about.

[China Glaze Emerald Sparkle]
On a tangent, I've been searching for "the perfect green" and if you have a bottle of Emerald Sparkle and have seen the dense glitter settled at the bottom - that green is SO perfect, I'm still looking!

[Bottle to nail: NYX Girls Enchanted Forest over jelly sandwich]
Finally, the finishing touch is a carefully placed layer of NYX Girls Enchanted Forest. The base looks green but it's actually practically clear but there are three different sizes of pale greeny gold holographic glitter in it which adds amazing depth even with one layer.

[NYX Girls Enchanted Forest over Essence/China Glaze jelly sandwich]
Check out how the glitter overlaps. It is so shiny and the holographic glitter just catches the light amazingly, though photos don't capture that very well.

[NYX Girls Enchanted Forest over Essence/China Glaze jelly sandwich]
I was quite happy with this combination because the deep green is pretty classy and sedate but then all the holo gold just catches your eye with rainbows of light! =p A bit like a green galaxy manicure, even. Well, the Rainbow Bridge is kiiinda over space(-time)...!!

[Unfocused iThing photo]
[Close-up:NYX Girls Enchanted Forest over Essence/China Glaze jelly sandwich]
Just a crappy iThing pic to show off the glitter and one more close up (the glitter lies flat which is another great plus)! Sorry for the number of photos and amount of waffling on I did but it's been a while since I've been pleased with a manicure!

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