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Week 469: Maybe Jimmy is Blind

Weekly Written Review 

Last month, on August 7th I went on an incredible adventure that led to meeting Jimmy Kimmel. I told him my story and he put me in touch with his people. He told me to send them my stuff and they'll send it to him to check out. I did that and they confirmed they would send it to him. A little over a week later I followed up and they didn't respond. I followed up one more time this week to confirm what I expected. They're avoiding me. His band director did tell me he wasn't interested. Oh well, the quest continues. I don't respect his representatives that avoided my emails but as for Jimmy Jimmy, he showed me respect when we met. I appreciate that. However, I can't help but wonder if he has a problem with his vision.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

* Blogging...

* Finalizing C&B

Monday, September 9, 2019

* Lunch with Phil

* Writing CLN

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

* Writing CLN

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

* Basketball...two loses one win. I'm playing today because the courts are closes tomorrow. It was cool. I'll consider playing on Wednesdays in the future.

* Last follow-ups with Jimmy Kimmel

* Got me $100.00 settlement check from CubeSmart today. Whoop Whoop.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

* Harriet screening...

* Writing...

* Post office/sending out a bday card for someone

Friday, September 13, 2019

* Tennis

* Dog sitting...

Saturday, September 14, 2019

* Dog sitting...

* Script editing

* Washing clothes at Love Laundry

* No, today was officially the last day sending an email to Jimmy...

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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